Gas supply for GCxGC instruments
The GCXGC (GC-2D) is a technique for analysing complex samples which require several columns used in series. In order to work, GC-2D systems needs a nitrogen supply or a nitrogen/air supply. The use of liquid nitrogen is also possible.
For a reliable, safe, and plug-and-play supply of liquid Nitrogen (LN2) for your gastronomic needs, F-DGSi has developed the CRYOGEN Series—a range of Liquid Nitrogen generators designed for on-site, on-demand production. With our proven technology, you can generate your own liquid Nitrogen (LN2) anywhere, anytime, eliminating the need for external deliveries of dewar containers with liquid Nitrogen
Looking for a liquid Nitrogen or Nitrogen/Air maker you can trust for GC-2D application? Take a look below at our CRYOGEN, CELENO and THEMISTO Series!
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