Liquid nitrogen for IVF (In vitro fertilization)
IVF involves complex procedures to aid fertility, prevent genetic issues, and support conception. Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) is vital in safely storing embryos, sperm, and eggs, ensuring the success of this fertility process.
For a reliable, safe, and plug-and-play supply of liquid Nitrogen for your IVF needs, F-DGSi has developed the CRYOGEN Series—a range of Liquid Nitrogen generators designed for on-site, on-demand production. With our proven technology, you can generate your own liquid Nitrogen (LN2) anywhere, anytime, eliminating the need for external deliveries of dewar containers with liquid Nitrogen.
Looking for a liquid Nitrogen maker tailored for IVF applications? Take a look at our CRYOGEN Series below!
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Liquid Nitrogen Gas Generators