2 gases solutions in one box to supply your analytical instrument

What is a nitrogen/air generator and how it works?
Combined Nitrogen/Air generators are a safer and more convenient alternative to using gas cylinders. Every time you change a gas cylinder, you take the risk of polluting your gas line with contaminants and impurities. Whereas with a combined nitrogen/air generator once installed, it will always provide the correct, consistent, worry-free gas purity to suit your needs. But how does a combined nitrogen/air generator work?
The combined Nitrogen/Air generator use pressure swing adsorption technology (PSA) to produce pure nitrogen gas and an additional bed of activated alumina for air purification
Benefits of a nitrogen/air generator against gas cylinders

The F-DGSi range
If you’re looking for a nitrogen/air generator you can rely on for gas chromatography (GC), look below!
If you’re looking for a nitrogen/air generator you can rely on for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), look below!
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